
"Exotic Birds Do Not Tweet,*" but they do not have to, you see, their colors are so bright, you can't help but notice them. They stand out without saying a word....

I dedicated more time to myself. #MeTimeMay was a success. I often times tell folks "if you don't take care of you, then you can't be any good for anyone else" ....and although I believe it to be true, it is so hard to practice. After constantly putting myself on the back burner, I took charge and now I feel like I am me again.

I had to get back to basics. I have had so many people say to me, "Ciera, your post-baby glow up is EVERYTHING" and again, I believe it to be true. Lol  
I have always wanted to be a mom and now that I am, I am radiating 'You better wake, pray, sip coffee, and slay" all day, everyday. No need to tweet....see what I did there???!!!

The journey to motherhood and even now as I have navigated and nearly completed a year, I am discovering new things about myself and my boundaries. Tolerance and Patience are two words that immediately come to mind. I have also learned on a greater level to not allow anything or anyone disrupt my peace.

My sweet boy has been a blessing, and he doesn't even know it yet.

A coworker asked me what was going on with me lately, my response was "I am living with intention." I started talking about my blog and #MeTimeMay,  how I am trying new things and Brayden's birthday party <next blog post> and then I had an "a-ha" moment [I absolutely love those, and the fact that they have been happening more frequently]....this is what it's about.

I tried long hair don't care, bright nail colors from the #OPIFijiCollection, and hit the gym at 9/10p, but I didn't freak out.  My anxiety didn't send me into overdrive because I was changing my routine. I wasn't "Suzi Without A Paddle*" Instead, I was flourishing in my new found freedom and Mommin simultaneously.

In the gym, I reached a new leg press weight goal, 215 pounds; I have taken showers that lasted longer than 15 minutes. I sang songs using my outside voice. I listened to new music. I started a new book. I made time to write. Set new goals for my #LoveSweatPeaceReflectionAction mantra. 
I have even had the opportunity to pee by myself. lol

I did happy things. It was cathartic. It was needed. Everything is again, coming full circle, and words pour from my heart by way of pen. Just like old times. Me. My thoughts. My Notepad, and a cup of Jeaux. ☕


Girl Trip, Girl Time, My Time


Balancing Act