The Mom Lifestyle

They say when the baby arrives, you come into their world. Even though in the literal sense, the baby is coming in to yours.

Life is not over for you as a new mom as many claim. Your life just got better.  

"You think you know what love is, until you have a child and discover that unconditional Mother love." - Halle Berry

As an ISTJ,  I still plan my life as best I can with a little one. You know the typical mom stuff, first aid kit in my purse, additional clothes for him and a dress for me in his diaper bag, extra pacifiers, and supplemental formula. However, there are things I can't plan. Such as how little he will sleep some nights or his desire to eat every hour. I can't determine how fast he will grow out of stage 1 diapers or 0-3 month clothes or how quickly he will teethe (since he's already biting the bottle nipples and drooling so much).

[Side bar, they say when babies move quick they are getting out the way for the next one..... <insert blank stare> .... the next one, yea ok.]

Everything I do is relative to my son.

When I'm able to sleep, eat, shower, clean the house, cook, and use the bathroom is dependent on my son's time.

This is life,


I have more motivation to be great, do better, and work harder because of him. I know it sounds cliché, but it's so true. As much as I do not want to use daycare, I am because I need to work to give him a great life. Sacrifice. 

I posted a pic on my 27th birthday with the quote, "there are two important days in your life,  the day you are born and the day you figure out why" ... I was happy because I knew my purpose in life. I was celebrating both. Now two years later when I reflect on that day as my 29th birthday approaches, I can honestly say what I feel now, there is no comparison.

I always knew I wanted to be a wife and a mother. The Lord saw fit to give me Brayden first [ and I'm ever so blessed ].

Happy then elated now. 

This is my new lifestyle and it is everything.

chest sleep.jpeg

Life is better seeing his little face every morning, smiling at his mama, listening to him attempting to make words with gurgles and spit bubbles. And yet, I have so much to look forward to, Soccer and Basketball practices and games, packing lunches, using PTO to go on field trips, kissing scraped knees, and trying not to freak out when he brings a worm or a frog in the house. But for now, I'll enjoy the chest snuggles, the 3am diaper changes and feedings, and the fact that my arms can calm him. We still sing the Lord praises together along with the alphabet and twinkle twinkle little star.

At his 2 month check up, he received several shots for preventative measures and received kudos for being so good. He is now 13 pounds and almost 24 inches long. He has discovered his thumb and index finger knuckle with his mouth and the drool is ever flowing. LOL He loves tummy time and bath time. He is a ball of energy all of the time. Our little happy baby boy is amazing.

And to think, I thought my dream of being a mom wouldn't come true. 


Balancing Act


She Isn’t Ready