The Delivery

I woke up early on June 29th [2016], the plan was to accompany Beez to Alexandria for the day. However, as you know my plans do not happen the way I anticipate. I felt a trickle of liquid and after several trips to the bathroom, I was sure my water broke and that I did not have a 2 year old accident. I didn't feel any contractions so, I figured we had some time. What's a girl to do when she's in labor and the contractions aren't heavy???!

You guessed it. Put your game face on... no eyeliner though. I heard pain was going to be a beast and I'm a crier. Don't need raccoon eyes in my son's pics.

I mentioned to Beez that maybe we should just go about our day and wait until the contractions got bad, but of course you can never be too sure. I didn't want to be on the side of 66East in labor. So after I finished getting ready, we headed to the hospital.


I called my mom, Beez called his mom and they both made it to NOVA in record time only to be told that my water didn't break and that I needed to come back on the next day. We spent 12 hours at the hospital and were sent home empty handed. I was convinced that in fact my water did break, just not completely. Around 1130 pm as I'm trying to find the most comfortable position the contractions started. I had Braxton Hicks a few times, so I kind of had an idea of what to expect. What I didn't know was my pain tolerance.

I literally had contractions ALL night. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much.

The next day at 0700 we arrived at the hospital, ready to get induced since I had only dilated 1.5 cm over three weeks. I literally sat down on the hospital bed and I heard a POP 💥 and I felt the rush of water. (Some say it's a trickle, some say it's a "gush"--lucky me, I got both).

Dr. Emme and I were both pleased that my water had broken naturally. I didn't want to be induced initially, but after 20 plus days of swollen ligaments and painful walking, I wanted him out. As you may recall, I decided to have Brayden naturally and get the epidural. Pitocin was administered and a few hours later I had dilated to 4 cm AND apparently my water still wasn't completely broken!!! Dr. Emme fixed that lol and another hour later I was at 5 or 6 cm (I don't remember exactly) and the tears began to fall. I didn't scream, or yell, or get belligerent with the nurse or doctors. I just simply said, "I'll take the epidural now."

I was informed that to get the epidural you have to be able to keep still... insert blank stare* How are you supposed to keep still during a contraction?! Word to the wise. Get the meds before the pain gets too bad. Luckily I took that advice, the only problem was that my anesthesiologist had a killer accent so I couldn't understand what he was saying while focusing on breathing and trying not to move. I could not Multitask, I swear he asked me to move my left hand like three times and I kept gripping the bed rails. Lol I didn't scream though. I did however, cry, but I'm sure you all knew that. It wasn't the ugly cry you see in movies. It was the perfect silent cry, tears just ran down my cheeks and I held my mama's hand. After the pinch and burning sensation subsided (less than a minute) I felt tingly. No pain. No cramps. Just relaxed.

Then I felt the pressure of my son's head. I was sure it was go time. I kept pressing the button to release more meds (you can only get a dose every 15 min, nobody told me that) and nothing happened. Breez held my hand and talked me through. Then Doctor Smith came and mentioned that I had been at 8 cm for 1.5 hours. The pitocin was making Brayden's heart rate drop and I wasn't dilating anymore.

She gave me two options:

1. Have a c-section. Prevent his heart rate from declining


2. Up the dosage of pitocin to increase contractions for dilation, but risk his heart rate dropping and having to have an emergency c-section.

Apparently, due to the SPD and the way my pelvis is set up, Baby Brayden was stuck.

After crying some more, because I didn't want a csection, I knew what I needed to do. Suck it up and get cut. It was worth it to keep Brayden healthy.

Beez and I talked it through and prayed, our mothers gave me encouragement and kisses and we headed back to the Operation Room. After 16 hours, a sick bag and lots of pressure, Brayden Michael made his debut at 1150 pm on June 30th weighing 7lbs 15 oz, stretching 20.5 inches. I heard his cry and immediately my heart jumped. My baby was finally here. I can't explain what I felt in that moment, but it was perfection. I cried yet again. I was looking at Beez since the sheet blocked my view, and I saw a single tear roll down his cheek from behind his glasses. I could tell he was so proud. He gave me a forehead kiss and told me what a great job I had done. For the first time, he left my side to tend to Brayden. Holding his hand and cutting the cord. When he brought him over to me I was overjoyed. Just thinking about it now, makes me tear up again.

It was definitely an experience and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love my son to life. And yet, I still have no desire to do this ever again. Lol


Now our little man is a little over 2 weeks. He loves story time and getting his hair washed. We just love him to pieces.


Postpartum Hues


40 Week Eviction Notice