Create Space

A few days ago, I mentioned making a list of your needs so you can render the proper self-care. When you know what you need, it's easier to manifest. Today, I want to talk about making the space to honor those needs. As a mom, it can be challenging to make time for self (and, no I don't mean the basic human necessities) I mean actually doing something for yourself that you enjoy.
Those breaks can be few and I speak from experience, but that same experience has shown me how vital that time is to my well-being. I have to fill my cup, I have to take care of me.

Creating space can be mental and physical; hence yoga is a fave. When I take up space on the mat physically, I am forced to mentally focus on the asana, my breathing, how I feel. Additionally, making my bedroom a place to retreat with bright colors, incense, candles, and 20 pillows makes the mental margarita a bit more calming. (Mom Brain plus ISTJ personality😯)

My Tricks
1. Wake-up early. I am NOT a morning person, but waking before my kid (sometimes) allows me to start my morning on my terms.
2. Stick to the schedule. When we adhere to the bedtime routine, I can make time for self before 11pm.
3. Take advantage of nap time. (they say sleep when baby sleeps, but if you're like me, that didn't work out to well the first few months post baby lol) …Don't feel guilty for resting the dishes and laundry can wait. These days I will skip cleaning up toys for the 50th time just to sit and do nothing-- if I am feeling super motivated, I’ll workout... but other times I just enjoy the ambiance and rest.

In making space keep these things in mind:
1. Time is valuable and so are you. Add it to your calendar, and DON'T cancel. Five minutes can make a difference.
2. The space is yours to create in any way that serves you. There is no wrong way to make space for self. It just requires a commitment.
3. Show up for the Glow up. When you are your best self, you and your family benefit. You show up for them daily, without hesitation. You deserve that same kind of champion from within .

So this week, make the commitment to create space. Honor yourself by honoring your needs. #FillHerUp You will be better for it. Your kids will love you regardless, but you deserve to show yourself some love too.


Master the Morning


Emotional Intelligence